Beyond our commitments to sustainable development, we are constantly improving our impact on people and society in general.
Since 2012, our shea butter has come from organic and fair trade sectors in Ghana. This initiative allows the employment of women who benefit from a stable income and more comfortable living conditions. Today, 4 Oléanat products are labeled Fair For Life*.
We are regularly involved, either with NGOs or associations, or locally on an ad hoc basis. For example, we have set up a solidarity operation, with the aim of donating part of our turnover to the Days For Girls* association which helps young girls in Ghana. FAIR FOR LIFE *Fair for Life (FFL) is a control program for fair trade in the fields of agriculture, manufacturing and trade.
The Fair for Life certification is a complete ethical guarantee (human rights, working conditions, biodiversity, good agricultural practices, governance, etc.). Producers involved in the supply chain receive a fair price, see their production tools improve, and have the means to carry out collective projects.