Established in the heart of a small town in Provence since 2002 (Bollène), Le Secret Naturel was born from an alliance between André Arnaud, President of Le Secret Naturel, graduated in economics, law, banking and financial techniques and Janine Blanchard, a food engineer, graduated in botany, herbology and aromatherapy.
Initially, the company was a soap factory producing organic soaps with only the following ingredients: the treasures of the south and lots of sunshine. Passionate about natural cosmetics, Janine began to develop creams and balms from local vegetable oils.
Little by little, André was convinced by Janine's creations. However, although Provence is a region rich in natural ingredients, the choices were limited. It was necessary to explore further to enjoy the benefits of natural ingredients from elsewhere. This is how the offer of Le Secret Naturel has expanded over the years. There are still a few soaps in the Le Secret Naturel ranges, they coexist with balms, creams, hair care products, etc. “The artisans of organic products”